
Why the Way We Use Gadgets Is Contributing to Digital Eye Strain

Why the Way We Use Gadgets Is Contributing to Digital Eye Strain With the omnipresent connectivity of the current era, digital devices have become instruments that are used almost in every aspect of our lives. Screens have become the primary form of engagement, work and play. But this dependence on digital technology does come at a cost: digital eye […]

Combat Computer Vision Syndrome: Simple Tips to Alleviate Screen-Related Eye Strain

Combat Computer Vision Syndrome: Simple Tips to Alleviate Screen-Related Eye Strain Most of today’s people staring at computer screens, smartphones, tablets, and other such digital devices for hour upon hour. While these devices allow us to work, interact and seek entertainment, they can also be a strain on our eyes. This is known as Computer Vision Syndrome […]

Can Lazy Eye Treatment Be Successful in Adults

Lazy eye treatment

Can Lazy Eye Treatment Be Successful in Adults? 10 Frequently Asked Questions Answered Amblyopia, or lazy-eye, where the vision in one eye is worse than the other eye because the brain has issues processing what’s coming from both eyes. And, though typically considered a childhood affliction, new technology suggests that amblyopia in adulthood could be […]

lazy eye treatment

Why Treating Amblyopia (Lazy Eye) is Important What Is Amblyopia? Amblyopia or lazy eye is a neurodevelopmental vision disorder in which one eye does not see as well as the other, even with glasses or contact lenses, and cannot be improved to normal levels. It is a symptom that many people suffer from, affecting 2–3% […]

12 Exercises to Correct a Lazy Eye (Amblyopia)

Lazy eye exercises

12 Exercises to Correct a Lazy Eye (Amblyopia): A Complete Guide Vision Therapy: A Cutting Edge Treatment for Strabismus Lazy eye, or amblyopia as it is known in medical parlance, is more than a childhood vision problem. It happens when the brain prefers one eye over another, causing the “weaker” eye to be unable to […]

How to Correct a Lazy Eye: A Complete Guide to Lazy Eye Treatment for Adults

lazy eye treatment for adults

How to Correct a Lazy Eye: A Complete Guide to Treating Lazy Eye in Adults Understanding the Basis of Amblyopia Lazy eye, or amblyopia, is a common vision condition in which the brain does not fully perceive the input from one eye. This can lead to decreased vision in the affected eye and difficulty with […]

How to Overcome the Hidden Impact of Lazy Eye on Sports Performance

How to Overcome the Hidden Impact of Lazy Eye on Sports Performance Performance in Sports depends on several factors such as skill, strategy, physical fitness, mental focus and more. Yet, when it comes to skills most necessary for excelling in school – important details like whether you have lazy eye (amblyopia) are often not at […]

7 Lazy Eye Exercises to Improve Sports Performance: Focus on Vision Therapy

lazy eye treatment

7 Lazy Eye Exercises to Improve Sports Performance: Focus on Vision Therapy Society makes some interesting demands on us when it comes to our eyes and we judge how well people succeed by their propensities to exude eye contact. When signs that something might be off with the baby’s vision started cropping up, Stoltey knew […]